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The 33rd China (Guangzhou) International Health Industry Expo 2025

12-14 June 2025

China Import and Export Fair Complex

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Your Business Opportunity - China’s Health Industry Market

The 31st China (Guangzhou) International
Health Industry Expo 2023


9-11 June

China Import & Export
Fair Complex

Your Business Opportunity - China’s Health Industry Market


China's health literacy level was 6.68% in 2008 and 20% in 2020.

600 billion

Chinese deaths from chronic diseases account for 87% of the total mortality rate, and the burden of diseases caused by chronic diseases accounts for 70% of the total burden of diseases in China, but these chronic diseases are prevent– able and controllable

16 trillion

By 2030, the market size of the health industry will increase from 3.8 trillion to 1G trillion, and the health service industry has been defined by the international economic circles as "an unlimiŁed and vast industry ".

400 million

ln 2070, the number of elderly population in China will reach t80 million, and the aging level will be 17.7. The higher the number of elderly people, the higher the demand, concern and urgency for health, which is also a reason for the rapid development of the health industry